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A Book and Technology Voucher
Allows you to purchase related academic course books (including digital) and technology products for the semester while waiting for your financial aid to disburse. Please read the instructions below.
Full-time students with an anticipated financial aid credit balance are eligible. Students must be in good financial standing with no past due balances on their account. A Book & Technology Voucher is valid only for books and educational supplies purchased at the University of Rhode Island Campus Store.The Book & Technology Voucher is limited up to a maximum of $500, and cannot exceed the difference between what is owed for the semester and the amount of your anticipated financial aid award.
If you are a first year TD Scholar, you may have credit remaining with the Campus Store. Please contact the Account Office at (401) 874-5218 to verify and do not fill out this form.
If you are an athlete who has received a scholarship to cover course material expenses, please contact your academic advisor and do not fill out this form.
Application Process
Fill out and submit form here. Please read the Terms and Conditions and remember to sign the form (by typing your first and last name). If you do not complete the form in its entirety, the Voucher will be denied.
Application Approval
After we receive your request, an Enrollment Services representative will evaluate your financial aid status to see if you are eligible to receive a Book & Technology Voucher. If eligible, your funds will be transferred to a store charge account in your name at the URI Campus Store.
Please allow a minimum of two (2) business days for review and processing.
NOTE: Once your request has been approved and transferred, you can no longer cancel it. Funds will remain as credit at the campus store and can only be refunded if you graduate or withdraw from the university.
All remaining funds will be transferred to the next or following semester on your account at the URI Campus Store. After you graduate or withdraw from the university, you may request a refund for any remaining balance or funds you have added to the account. You must request your refund from the URI Campus Store within three months of graduation or effective withdrawal date. Funds are returned via paper check.
If you have any questions concerning the Book & Technology Voucher process, please call 401-874-9500 or 874-5218.